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Dr.S. Anthoni Raj, M.Sc. Ag, Ph.D

Dr. S. Anthoni Raj,graduated from Annamalai university in 1966, with M.Sc (Ag) & Ph.D. Agricultural Microbiology.

He has Served in various capacities and different research station in the Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Tamilnadu and Tamilnadu Agariculural University, Coimbatore.

He has a wide research and teaching experience in Microbiology particularly on biofertilizers, biodissolution of nutrient, biological control of pests and diseases.

He has served as professor of Agricultural Microbiology, Tamilnadu Rice Research Microbiology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, and Dean, Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural college & Research Institute, Trichy.

Currently, he is engaged in the production and Quality Control of biofertilizers, biopesticides, biocontrol agents and biodecomposers since retirement.

Also engaged in farm advisory services to solve field problems faced by the farmers Instrumental in identifying potash and silica solubilizing bacteria, Zinc solubilizing bacteria and upgraded them as biofertilizers for commercial field application after experimentation. These are used by farmers in rice ecosystem and other crops.

Worked on Methane emission in rice ecosystem in collaboration with Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack.
Published about 120 research articles in leading Indian and International Scientific Periodicals.

Dr. V. Vijay Vaithilingam

Dr. V. Vijay Vaithilingam is a cell biologist with ample experience both in the industry and academia in research and product development. He received his basic undergraduate degree in Pharmacy followed by a post-graduate degree in Biopharmaceuticals from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.

He received his doctoral training also from UNSW in the field of cell biology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine where he mastered the encapsulation technology.

He has published 21 research articles, 3 book chapters and has attended various international and national conferences.


A bio-fertiliser that can help tap potassium in soil

Micronutrient solubilization

Potash mobilizer


Silica Solubilization Potential

Silica Solubilization

Silica Solubilizer

Silica Solubilizing Bacterium


R&D achievements

1996     Developed a product PEPPER WILT CONTROL MIX for control of quick wilt in pepper and successfully controlled spread of wilt disease
1998 Developed a BIO COMPOST MIX-1 for composting organic farm waste such as coffee husk and help coffee plantation to recycle and reuse the own compost for soil enrichment
1999   Developed TRYPAE MIX, a combination product to control wilt diseases in potato, vegetables and other crops. Till date it is a very promising product to control Nematodes and Wilt diseases
2000   Developed BIO COMPOST MIX – 2 for composting paddy straw in the field itself within 20 days thereby enabling farmers to recycle their own agro waste for enriching their soil with nearly 3 tons of organic manure
2002    A new LIQUID technology was developed in BIO INPUT manufacturing which is the first of its kind in India. All the organisms were developed in LIQUID TECHNOLOGY with the state of the art technology which helped in bio input popularization in Drip irrigation and other sprinkler irrigated fields
2004 A new product called POTASH MOBILIZER was developed to mobilize soil potash thereby reducing the application of chemical potash fertilizer and significant cost saving to the farmers
2006 Developed a thermo tolerant strain of Verticillim lecanii to improve its field performance during summer season
2008 Developed a ZINC SOLUBILIZER biofertilizer microrganism that solubilises Zinc from the total zinc component of the soil and make it available to the plant
2010 Developed a microbial consortia product called POLY FUNCTIONAL MICROBES that makes all the naturally available plant nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash, Zinc and Silica into crop in consumable form for plant growth
2012 Developed a SILICA SOLUBILIZER biofertilizer microrganism that solubilises insoluble soil silica and make it available to the plant thereby increasing plant immunity and resistance against pest attack
2014 Developed a biopesticide product BIOTER and BIO BLIGHT for the biological control of termites and blight disease respectively
2015 Developed and launched the first bio-product for coconut palm namely COCONUT BIO MIX to promote plant growth and improve yield. This has been an unique product of Romvijay.
2017 Developed a new product BIO RESIST SIL to boost plant immunity and increase resistance against pest and diseases
2019 Developed and launched new product GREEN RICH a plant growth promoting biofertilizer
2020  Developed new product BIO AMRUTH & BIO SHINE to promote plant growth and improve yield